
Private door-to-door tours and transfers between European cities

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+420 777 455 611

Budapest Highlights

Budapest Highlights - 16.9.2019

Budapest is one of the youngest European capitals. The city was officially formed in 1873. This is a unique synthesis of three ancient Hungarian cities - Buda, Obuda and Pest, which for many centuries lived and developed in the neighborhood on the banks of the Danube. A more modern Pest with a metropolitan gloss, wide avenues and beautiful architecture of the 19-20th century is located on the eastern bank of the Danube, while Buda and Obuda with atmospheric old streets, historical and cultural monuments are located on the western one.

Datum konání

Zahájení pondělí 16.září 2019, 18:18
Ukončení pondělí 16.září 2019, 18:18

Kontakty a adresa


Otevírací hodiny

Po 00 - 23:59
Út 00 - 23:59
St 00 - 23:59
Čt 00 - 23:59
00 - 23:59
So 00 - 23:59 Dnes
Ne 00 - 23:59

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